Beelzebub was bored watching Hitler and Stalin stabbing each other eternally with pitchforks. He was in a rage not that that was an unusual state for he. A rage against cats. He often raged against the creation of the Almighty especially mankind and if not mankind than those companions provided for humanity. Companions such as cats.
"They steal and are not punished!" The Accuser screeched. Not admitting that the commandments were made for man not animals. Certainly not cats.
There are no animals in the infernal regions just false shadows that resemble beasts that humans hate and fear such as roaches, rats, flies and snakes. Shadow not reality.
Beelzebub had a particular hatred of a certain groups of cats . . .
"They do have a weak link their human butler named Shel." Said a demon who knew the evil one's thoughts.
"You fool," the Wicked One shouted "Shel follows that carpenter that Nazarene!"
Just then a shadow of a serpent slid past. "Yes I have the answer," the Evil One gloated.
"What worked in the beginning can work again now." He called, "oh Lilith!"

On enemy occupied earth at a company know as Moneyhell The Deceiver told Lilith
"I have work for you, I have a body for you. This will be much easier than the old fashioned way."
The Son of perdition had his earthly factory make a body, a mechanical marvel for Lilith so she could go on to corrupt the cat's butler.
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